Hi Family!
I´m still in the MTC but I leave for my mission area on Monday. It’s a 6 hour drive.... At least I´ll be able to study and read. I have gotten to love reading.
There was an Elder that had appendicitis last week, one of the guys in my house said a "Specific prayer" asking that if it was the Lords will, the guy would go into surgery at 1 o clock on Tuesday, everything would be fine, and he would return home safely on Friday. He said this prayer Monday morning and then told us about it. Midday on Tuesday a man from the hospital came into our class to give us an update on him, he said that he would be going into surgery in an hour and would probably return the next day. It was noon when he told us this. He went into surgery at 1 and came out fine. His process of recovery was normal, and the doctor said he could probably return the next day. His recovery was taking longer than the doctor had expected, he then ended up returning safely on Friday. Prayers are real, I know they influence our lives when we just ask sincerely.
Oh! We watched a devotional that was recorded at the Provo MTC and sent to all the MTCs through the world. It was by Neil L Anderson and it was great. I bought a smaller journal to record all of my spiritual experiences in. I call them my Small Plates, and I call my regular Journal full of my day’s experiences in the mission my Large Plates. I think it’s pretty funny and all the guys in my room think it’s a good idea and we all get a good laugh at what I call them. When they were announcing the program at the devotional, I didn´t hear what he said but he said that some sister from West Jordan would be giving the closing prayer, my companion leaned over and asked if I knew her because she was from West Jordan but I didn’t know because I couldn’t hear. At the end of the devotional I looked to see who it was and I knew who she was!!!! It was Meghan Rollins. (Parker Rollins sister) I explained how she had been in most of my classes throughout elementary school and then in some in high school! I thought that it was really cool and that you should share this experience with her Dad.
Talk to you next week…Love you
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